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12 Tips for Creating a Mobile-Friendly Website

1. Be responsive.  "Use a responsive technology framework," . "There are several of these available (we use Bootstrap). "These frameworks are basically simple ways to lay out elements in a grid and then shift that grid based on different screen sizes, so that elements on a large monitor are spaced just as well as they would be on an iPad [or smartphone]," "Frameworks like Bootstrap are open source (free), well documented and very easy to implement." " Responsive is a more unified approach to Web development that allows you to create a similar experience for the user no matter how they are accessing the site (desktop, tablet or smartphone )," 2. Think with your thumb (or index finger). "This is one of the most important tips for any mobile site as you want users to be able to navigate your site with their 'phone hand' without the use of a second hand. Additionally if you have to pinch to zoom, your content is pro

11 Common Ecommerce Mistakes

Mistake No. 1: Choosing the wrong ecommerce shopping cart.  "Think about your functionality needs, feature requirements, integration requirements, budget, need for customizability and design/theme needs." Also, ask yourself: "Is the cart easy enough for you to use without having to go through a big learning curve? How is the customer support team? Read some customer reviews to see what others are saying," Mistake No. 2: Not making sure your site is secure. "Studies show that up to 25 percent of users have actually stopped an online purchase because of website security concerns,"  A digital certificate provides authenticity of your website and an encrypted connection to protect sensitive data -- and you can get one quickly and within budget." It also "communicates to customers that your site is trusted and information is secure." "Many ecommerce vendors outsource Web hosting, IT support and Web security tasks to consultant

Mười "điều răn" để xây dựng thành công một viện nghiên cứu

Assar Lindbeck, Cựu giám đốc viện Nghiên Cứu Kinh Tế Thế Giới (The Institute for International Economic Studies, IIES), Đại học Stockholm.  Nguyễn Huy Vũ dịch, (bản gốc: “Principles for Successful Research: Ten Commandments") Đâu là phương pháp tốt nhất để điều hành một viện nghiên cứu ?  Mỗi nghiên cứu viên chắc chắn có những ý kiến riêng về vấn đề này - chẳng hạn như những đòi hỏi, và chắc hẳn là định nghĩa thế nào là thành công. Những kinh nghiệm của riêng tôi trong suốt 25 năm với tư cách là người đứng đầu Viện Nghiên Cứu Kinh Tế Thế Giới (the Institute for International Economic Studies, IIES) có thể tóm tắt trong mười nguyên tắc.    1. Một viện nghiên cứu nên cố gắng vươn đến những biên cương nghiên cứu (research frontier) của thế giới và, hẳn nhiên, góp phần đẩy biên cương nghiên cứu này xa hơn. Đây là cách hợp lý duy nhất làm nên sự xuất sắc trong nghiên cứu, và do đó, tránh được những nghiên cứu tầm thường, thậm chí chất lượng kém. Thật ra thì nghiên cứu ch

Eight Steps to Build a Compelling Business Case for Social Initiatives

Gartner Identifies Eight Steps to Build a Compelling Business Case for Social Initiatives Analysts Will Discuss Social Collaboration at the Gartner Portals, Content & Collaboration Summit 2014, September 15-16, in London IT leaders planning to introduce or extend a collaboration and social software initiative may well need a more compelling business case to present to business leaders, according to Gartner Inc. Gartner has identified eight steps to help gain approval for investment in such initiatives. They involve via dialogue with business leaders and increasing the commitment of stakeholders. "As collaboration and social software initiatives are becoming more costly, complex and risky, IT leaders can't treat them as basic infrastructure rollouts, or simply assume they will benefit the business," said Nikos Drakos, research vice president at Gartner. "They must make a clear business case, setting out the expected costs and business benefits in an appropria

6 Ways To Show You Are A Superstar At Work

1. Be first, but with a purpose. Many people try to be the first to arrive each day. That's great, but what do you actually do with that time? Organize your thoughts? Get a jump on your email? Instead of taking care of your stuff, do something visibly worthwhile for the company. Take care of unresolved problems from the day before. Set things up so it's easier for other employees to hit the ground running when they come in. Chip away at an ongoing project others ignore. Don't just be the one who turns on or off the lights — be the one who gets in early or stays late in order to get things done. Not only will your performance stand out, you'll also start to... 2. Master a specific — and valuable — skill. Meeting standards, however lofty those standards may be, won't help you stand out. So go above the norm. Be the leader known for turning around struggling employees. Be the shipping manager who makes a few deliveries a week to personally check in with cus

Startup Opportunity Map by Country

The biggest internet company in each country